6 Creative Uses For Commercial Aerial Photography

The uses for aerial photography are as endless as the skies we fly in. Our clients have used the images we capture for countless different purposes, both commercially and personally. While we certainly enjoy working with individual clients as well as professional companies, today we are going to look specifically at some of the different uses for commercial aerial photography. Keep reading to learn how commercial aerial photography may help propel your business to the next level.

1 – Listing Photographs

If you’re trying to sell your home, having plenty of high-quality images to showcase your property is absolutely essential. Interior pictures that showcase the unique aspects of your home will be the primary focus, but it’s helpful to showcase your home’s exterior features as well. Aerial photography can be a great way to capture unique perspectives of your home, especially for farms and other large properties.

2 – Inspection

Routine safety inspections are critical in industries that use heavy, large, complex, and/or expensive outdoor equipment. However, depending on the size and scope of the equipment or locations in question, it may be challenging (or dangerous) to inspect them directly. Aerial photography can safely capture images of the required locations. Companies that deal with wind energy, bridge construction, and oil pipelines are prime examples.

3 – Advertisements

A picture is worth a thousand words. Because of the powerful effect visuals have, no marketing campaign is complete without high-quality images accompanying the written (or verbal) messages. Aerial photography can make your advertisement stand out from the crowd by providing eye-catching images that will grab consumers’ attention. Golf courses, amusement parks, water parks, cruise ships, national or state parks, and national forests are examples of attractions that may benefit from incorporating aerial photography into their advertising campaigns.

4 – Websites & Social Media

Internet marketing arguably the fastest-growing (and most powerful) marketing avenue of the modern world. With millions of consumers checking Facebook (and other social media channels) and accessing the web from mobile devices multiple times per day, maintaining an online presence is a critical way to get your company in front of potential customers. As with traditional forms of advertising, including high-quality, eye-catching graphics is a powerful way to make your website and social media channels stand out from your competition.

5 – Cartography

Maps are a great example of a modern convenience that many of us take for granted. Even though we may not actively consider the efforts involved in making maps on any given day, it’s important that we recognize the hard work and precision required to make them. The birds’-eye view aerial photography offers is a powerful tool for cartographers to use when mapping new roads or uncharted areas of exploration.

6 – Construction

As a commercial aerial photographer in Colorado, we spend a great deal of time working with construction companies in the region. Construction companies can benefit greatly from aerial photography by using the images captured to track their progress. These images can be used by planning committees to build strategies for moving forward. They can also be submitted to project leaders to illustrate the progress that has occurred. Images chronicling a project’s progress can also be enormously advantageous in the event that a litigious situation may arise.

Imagewerx Aerial Photography Is Your Resource For Commercial Aerial Photography

The examples we just discussed are only a few ways that aerial photography can benefit businesses. If you are interested in learning more about how aerial photography may be able to benefit your company, contact Mitch Bowers by calling 303-550-2946. Our commercial aerial photography company is here to help your business take flight!

Imagewerx Aerial Photography
Helping Your Business Take Flight

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Imagewerx.us Aerial Photography
7811 S. Peoria St. G17
Englewood, CO 80112

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